Volunteer for Church in Chains

Church in Chains relies on numerous volunteers who help us spread the word about the Persecuted Church across Ireland:

Our Church Representatives do a valuable job in keeping their groups/churches updated by distributing Information Leaflets, Global Guides, the quarterly Church in Chains magazine or the monthly Prayer Diary. They also share prayer points from our weekly news emails to whoever is in charge of intercessory prayer.

Prayer is at the heart of what Church in Chains does and we are hoping to expand our prayer group network across the whole country. For this we always need more Prayer Group Leaders in different counties. If you want to start a prayer group, you can find out more about more here.

We are always looking for Volunteers who make people welcome and help with catering, stewarding or parking at the Church in Chains conference.

A few other volunteering ideas are organising a fundraising event, encouraging your group/church to take part in  letter writing campaigns or giving a short talk to the group/church. If you are interested in volunteering for Church in Chains in any way, please contact the Church in Chains office!