Who we are


Version 4David Turner (Director) has been involved with Church in Chains since 1981, first as a volunteer, then in 2002 as part-time national co-ordinator, and as full-time director since 2007. His role includes developing and maintaining links with overseas partners; advocacy with TDs, Senators, the Department of Foreign Affairs and foreign embassies; editing Church in Chains magazine; speaking to churches, fellowships and prayer groups around Ireland; regular media appearances; research and writing; planning campaigns, projects and initiatives and ensuring regulatory compliance.


Version 2Virginia Chipperfield started working for Church in Chains as a volunteer researcher and writer in 2008.  As the scale of the work increased, she began working on a part-time basis in 2010. Virginia writes many of the news stories on this website and keeps country and prisoner profiles updated. She also writes for the quarterly Church in Chains magazine and the Church in Chains Global Guide and assists in administration.


Susie Chipperfield Operations CoordinatorSusanne Chipperfield started working for Church in Chains as operations co-ordinator  on a part-time basis in 2017. She is responsible for all the day-to-day administration of the charity including finance and communications, this includes maintaining and developing the charity’s social media presence.

Board of Trustees

The trustees of Church in Chains ensure that the charity is properly governed: approving the annual accounts; agreeing strategic plans; supervising staff etc. The trustees are volunteers and receive no remuneration.

Each was asked, “Why are you a trustee?”

Version 2David Franklin (Chair, Dublin): Our Father is always speaking to us; if we hear His prompting and act on it, we do His will. As we serve in this work we seek to bless God’s family of believers, and God is honoured as we do so.



keith-talbotKeith Talbot (Treasurer & Secretary, Kildare): I was twelve when invited to pray for a young Christian imprisoned in Siberia, Galina Vilchinskaya. Her story is amazing – as is the way that God makes us in Ireland partners in the gospel with such brothers and sisters. I’m glad to play my part in the work of Church in Chains.


Version 2Davood H.M. (Dundalk): I come from Iran where Christians face persecution. For that reason I feel privileged to be one of the trustees for Church in Chains as I believe they give a voice to those who do not have a voice in countries where believers are persecuted.


Version 2Jim McGing (Westport): I am a trustee because I am interested in the welfare of Christians worldwide, who are persecuted because of their faith in Christ. Church In Chains provides Irish people with a means of channelling funding and other support to persecuted Christians, worldwide.



Baiju George

Baiju George (Dublin): I consider it a privilege to be a part of this group which is standing up for Christians around the world. It’s always a pleasure to work with Church in Chains – with the passion you carry out the Lord’s work.



Hazel Reid

Hazel Reid (Wexford): The Bible reminds me that I have a role to thank God for our brothers and sisters whose faith is growing through trials and Church in Chains enables us to actively partner with his suffering people.



Lindsey Gardiner TrusteeLindsey Gardiner (Dublin): I’m motivated by those words in the letter to the Hebrews: “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison”. Church in Chains helps me to do this, and I’m delighted to serve this cause as one of its trustees.