GLOBAL GUIDE LAUNCH: Over 200 million Christians at constant risk of persecution
The Global Guide was formally launched by Rev Trevor Sargent (Church of Ireland minister and former Green Party leader).
The Global Guide was formally launched by Rev Trevor Sargent (Church of Ireland minister and former Green Party leader).
The families were expelled from their home village in rural Chhattisgarh after refusing to deny their Christian faith
Nine pastors have been arrested and jailed on false charges of conversion activities in Uttar Pradesh state
Karthridasan Madhavan was burnt to death in the state of West Bengal
Police in Uttar Pradesh state arrested and brutally beat a pastor who was leading family devotions at his grandmother’s home
On the day Karnataka state’s anti-conversion law was signed into effect, a pastor and his wife were accused of forcible conversion and arrested
Karnataka state’s governor has signed anti-conversion legislation into place without waiting for it to be passed in the upper house
Pastor Kailash Dudwe from Madhya Pradesh state, beaten unconscious by a mob in January, is facing death threats, eviction and false charges of forcible conversion
A new report by the Religious Liberty Commission of the Evangelical Fellowship of India documents 505 incidents of persecution of Christians in 2021
A new report documenting 505 cases of persecution in 2021 describes anti-conversion laws as “justification for the persecution of minorities”