It has been so encouraging in recent months to hear news of the release of over two hundred Christians from prison in Eritrea. To be set free from prison (after several years in many cases) has brought huge joy. However, for some of those released, it has also brought great need as many emerged to face an immediate emergency as they had literally nowhere to go. Their relatives may have died or divorced or emigrated while they were in prison. Thankfully, Church in Chains’ partner organisation, Release Eritrea, has been able to provide emergency relief in the form of food, clothing and accommodation.
These needs are additional to the regular support that Release Eritrea gives to the families of Christian prisoners. When a Christian is imprisoned it often means that their family is left without a breadwinner, in a country where there is great poverty and no government support in the form of social protection payments. Families of prisoners are often in dire need.
How You Can Help
Please give, as you are able, to help our persecuted brothers and sisters in Eritrea. Your gift will be sent, without any deduction, to Release Eritrea to support families of current prisoners and also to assist recently-released prisoners and Eritrean Christian refugees.
Two ways to give
- By bank transfer using online banking. Our bank details are:
IBAN IE22 IPBS 9906 1020 1759 05.
Please mention “Christian Prisoners” as a reference on your gift. - By PayPal – click on button below to donate (Note: you don’t need a PayPal account to donate by credit card)
Church in Chains has partnered with Release Eritrea since 2005. The UK-registered and regulated charity is led by respected Eritrean Christian emigrés who have extensive links throughout Eritrea and are able to distribute aid quickly to those in greatest need. Release Eritrea has managed to support every known Eritrean Christian who has been persecuted for their faith. It is also involved in advocacy, speaking in various international fora about the persecution of Eritrean Christians.
Church in Chains is in regular contact with Release Eritrea’s director Rev Dr Berhane Asmelash, who also works part-time as a Church of England minister in London.